Thursday, May 28, 2015


Why can't I just be happy? Have you ever uttered those words before? Well what's stopping you from being happy? Did you know that we make a choice as to rather or not we are going to be happy.  Everybody goes through things.... after all....its called life. The things we go through can ultimately have an effect on our happiness and if we don't understand how to handle various situations, it can destroy us. We have to learn to  look past our trials and tribulations in life and actually embrace these circumstances as stepping stones to overcoming and getting to a new level of happiness. 
I have encountered people who have every excuse in the world NOT to be happy. These people will give reason after reason to validate their unhappiness.... when all they really have to say is "its me". Most people can simply blame themselves for the lack of happiness they are experiencing. You really just have to want to be happy!! In life you will have great moments and not so great moments. Embrace every moment and don't let those not so great moments determine your happiness.  I have been through things in my life, like we all have..... but in the end, no matter what... I still choose to be happy.
I recently watched a clip of T.D Jakes on The Steve Harvey Show ( See video link below). It was very interesting. He was talking about being happy and the fact that so many people have questioned exactly how to be happy. Bishop Jakes shared some points to being happy. The 5 steps T.D. Jakes shared were so awesome and I wanted to pass them along to you.

Your kids, your spouse, your big house, car, money, etc..... No one or no thing can make you happy if you cant be responsible for bringing joy into your own heart.
Change the way you talk to yourself about your life and who you are and what you are going to do in your life.
Don't focus your happiness only on when you reach your destination.  We delay our happiness by not celebrating along the way. Don't wait until you get your degree, or get married, or have a kid or whatever. Be happy along the journey and enjoy getting to where you want to be.
Enjoy your relationships. Especially the one with yourself. Make sure the relationships you surround yourself with are good ones.
You cant do all of either one and be successful and happy. You have to balance your work and play so that you can be a whole person and others can get a better perspective of exactly who you are.
Remember...Its not hard to be happy... You just have to WANT to be happy. So from this point forward.... CHOOSE HAPPINESS!!!

Link to video clip of Bishop Jakes on The Steve Harvey Show....


Monday, May 25, 2015

ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE !!!! It's that simple.....or is it??

While browsing through my email I ran across this message: 

From The Secret Daily Teachings........

Ask, Believe, Receive – just three simple steps to create what you want. However, very often the second step, believe, can be the most difficult one. And yet it is the greatest step you will ever take. Believing contains no doubt. Believing does not waiver. Believing is absolute faith. Believing remains steadfast despite what is happening in the outside world.

When you master believing, you have mastered your life.

How many of you actually BELIEVE this? How often have you wanted something so bad, but didn't believe enough that you actually deserved it. Did it happen for you? Or did you  just sink into unbelief and doubt and end up not receiving. Do you even realize how powerful it is to actually BELIEVE!!
I have began putting this to practice in my everyday life. Even if its something as simple as a finding parking spot or winning a contest.  I have practiced asking-believing- and receiving!! It actually works. You have to believe whole heartedly that what you are asking for- you actually believe you will receive.
For instance, I wanted to go to a Hawks game. While on my way to work I was listening to the Ryan Cameron show on V-103. He said to call in and be the 103rd caller in order to win tickets to the Hawks game. I began to call. As I hit redial over and over and continued to hear busy signals and operator response to try again- I continued to say to myself "I am a winner", "I am winning these Hawks tickets", "I am winning", "I believe I am a winner"..... and as I repeated these affirmations I visualized myself at the game! I saw myself seated at the game and cheering on my team. I head a voice say "V-103" and they confirmed I was the right caller. I won those tickets like I BELIEVED I would. Ok some say that's just luck. Believe what you want. I called again and won $103.00 recently and the whole time I BELIEVED I would win. #Winning!!!!

Start putting this concept into practice everyday. Learn more about the Law of Attraction by researching and practicing it daily. Begin to watch things manifest in your life. Get to know who you are and what you want- then begin to ask, believe, and receive!!! This subject is very deep and profound and my goal is to  introduce it to you  so that you may begin to get your mindset aimed toward the possibility of this concept working for you. Research it. Learn about it. Change your thinking; Change you life! If you haven't read "The Secret"  then order you a copy today!
Let me know your experiences with this concept. Do you believe it? Does it work for you?
Comment and don't forget to share!

On Memorial Day......... Let's remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice!

 Today we celebrate Memorial Day. Do you understand the true meaning of why we celebrate on this holiday? Why do I see so many people telling our service men/women (who are still alive), that they are honoring them on Memorial Day. I see tags on Facebook and shout outs. People are grilling out, drinking and celebrating being off work.  But does anyone actually understand the reason for Memorial Day?
For those of you who are not sure as to what Memorial Day is or the reason behind why this is a holiday let me help you to understand.........
Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces. The holiday, is observed every year on the last Monday of May. It originated as Decoration Day after the American Civil War in 1868, when the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans — established it as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers.

Memorial Day eventually extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service .It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end.  Many people visit cemeteries and memorials, particularly to honor those who have died in military service. Many volunteers place an American flag on each grave in national cemeteries.
Do you know anyone that that died while serving this great country? Or maybe you know someone who has a relative  or friend who died while serving. While enjoying your day off today, lets take time to reflect on the people who gave their life as they fought for our freedom. Let's be in remembrance of the veterans who lie in rest at Veteran's Memorial Cemetery. Lets not forget the true meaning of this holiday..... so as we prepare the grill, and tune in to our favorite station.... grab us a drink and begin the celebration......- maybe just maybe we can have a moment of silence out of respect for our fallen service men/women. You know........the one's who this holiday is really about! So please...Comment & Share!!
Everyone have a blessed day!!!

Friday, May 22, 2015


We all have goals that we set for ourselves. We have reached milestones. We have taken steps to better ourselves. We have obtained new positions at work. We all have goals and accomplishments we are proud of (regardless if anyone knows or not), but how often do you just take the time out to celebrate yourself when you reach said goals? Once we do the necessary things to reach our goals, for many people its "on to the next one....."

What we really should begin doing is start taking out the time to do these 3 things..........

1. Pause! You gotta take a pause for the cause and think about what you have just accomplished!
2. Reflect! Start by reflecting on the goal that was set and everything that was did on the path to accomplishing that goal.
3.  Celebrate! Celebrate by doing something you enjoy. Something that you may not get to do very often. You could do something as simple as dinner at your favorite restaurant. Or something relaxing like a spa day complete with a facial, mani/pedi, and full body massage. Fellas may want to enjoy a weekend of golf or take a mancation to have chill time with the homeboys.
I have reached many milestones in my life and recently I started thinking about the fact that I never stopped and took the time to acknowledge all the hard work it took to get there.  I just went straight into the next thing. I worked very hard to obtain my Masters Degree. Long classes, driving 2 hours every other weekend, my final project was so stressful ....... but I made it. I was so happy and felt so accomplished. I made all A's and being conferred was the best feeling in the world. Still, I did not take the time out to celebrate myself.
The whole point of setting a goal, is to reach that goal. It is the greatest feeling when you do and we need to start taking out the time to do something for ourselves to celebrate our achievements. Remember, its never too late!! So if you have accomplishments that you have yet to celebrate then start planning to do so now. Grab some friends- go out and have fun! After all....... You truly deserve it!!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

TO TIP OR NOT TO TIP.....that is the question!!

I have never worked as a server/waitress at a restaurant or any other establishment where people get tips for service. As a customer, I do know what I expect especially if I'm spending my hard earned money. I feel as though good customer service is lacking these days and I want to applaud those who always continue to provide their customers with excellent customer service.
Ok....let's discuss those who don't!! I am very particular about the service I receive at restaurants. I also highly believe that the level of service coincides with how you tip. I have had people tell me that no matter the level of service I received, I should still tip 15% and if the service is excellent or outstanding then the tip should go up from there. Really?!?! So if I receive horrible service, you are telling me that regardless I should tip because that's how they make their money and pay their bills. Well, I believe that if you know that this is how you make your money and pay your bills then you should make an effort to deliver great customer service everyday. I'm sure everyone has their bad days and may not deliver the greatest of service but when you don't take pride in trying to do your job, then why do you think that you deserve a tip.
I will give an example..... I was at a restaurant. Ordered my food. Right before my food came out, a party of like 12-15 people came and sat in the area I was in. My food arrived and I needed steak sauce for my steak. Well.... The server said she would be right back. She then went to the large party that had just came in and proceeded to get their drink orders. Ok,..... so I'm waiting for her to take all their orders. Remind you.... My food is sitting in front of me waiting...... Once she finished taking all the drink orders I was thinking she is going to get my steak sauce. That wasn't the case. This chick went and made all the drinks for that large party and then after she passed out the drinks she took all their food orders. Of course by now I am not a happy person! All the time she is seeing me looking at her.....waiting on her...... and she keeps holding up a finger like wait a moment. By the time I received my steak sauce, my food had been sitting there approximately 25 minutes. This wasn't the only issue.... but the main one. Other things like not attending to my drink....... not checking on the table... things like that will surely deduct from your tip.
I work hard and I feel that I deserve, at the very least, good service. Its a plus to get excellent/exceptional service. So what do you do when the service did not meet your expectations? Remember, the quality of food has nothing to do with the server..... But everything that goes with making sure your needs are met while being provided service is what I base my tip on.
So have you had horrible service before? Do you tip when the service is bad?  Let me know your thoughts and reasoning behind tipping.
Thanks for reading!! Don't forget to comment & share!!!!!!! :)