Sunday, December 8, 2013

Defining Our Inner Demons.....

Defining Our Inner Demons.....

Watching Scandal the other night, I was inclined to question......... What "demons" do I struggle with. The scene between James and Daniel (Sally Langston's husband) was intense as Daniel asked James not to  publish the article about him being gay because it would hurt his wife's campaign. He told James that he was NOT gay and he struggled with temptations. He was a Christian and he don't do things like that and publishing that article would hurt his family. So basically,  struggling with his temptations for sleeping with men was Daniel's demon. There are people that struggle with demons everyday. Rather it be food, sex addition,  insecurities, anger, jealousy, drug addition, feelings of inferiority, etc. Anything that has a hold on you and you feel like you have to struggle  to deal with it, can be considered your inner demon.
The first thing is to recognize and admit to your demon(s) . Yes, some of us have more than one!  If you don't know what they are then you will never deal with them. Once you recognize and admit to them , then you have to confront them head on. You confront your demons by letting them know you recognize them and then finding way to combat them.
Find ways to be stronger than your inner demons

So...... say you think you are perfect, and feel you have no issues or inner demons. That's an issue in itself because no one is perfect. You thinking you are perfect may as well be your inner demon.  We all deal with something.....Even if its something  as simple as procrastination. What you should not  do is allow or continue to allow inner demons to have control over our lives.  Still wondering if you have inner demons .....take this simple test.  If you end up answering yes to 4 or more questions.... then its time to start to figure what it is in your life that is holding you back..
These demons give us excuses to be complacent or hold ourselves back. Or even affect our lives to a point where we can't move forward, be happy, have healthy relationships, or even enjoy life! To face our inner  demons is to face our own weaknesses and insecurities.

1.Do you feel you are merely existing, not really enjoying life to its fullest?

2.Do you feel powerless to change your course as if controlled by a strong negative force from within?

3.Do you crave wealth but feel something is stopping you from attaining it?

4.Do negative thoughts often seem to block out positive, happy images?

5.Do you feel you are a good person who deserves a far better fate than what you have experienced thus far?

6.Do you sometimes feel isolated, that no one really cares?
Next blog I would like to talk about ways to fight your inner demons once you recognize what they are.......
So tell me............... what are your inner demons?
Thanks for reading and commenting............

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